Seasonal changes are among the most energetically disruptive times in nature. Transformation is underway and things are shifting all around us. It’s natural and wonderful and exactly as it should be, but it can also be draining. Many people feel more fatigued around the equinoxes or find themselves getting sick more often and – because of that – it’s also a great time to do some shifting and realigning within yourself to keep your energy high and your health in check.

Here are the three steps that I think are crucial to nourish your soul, mind and body through this energetically disruptive time:



Fall – like spring – is an ideal time to do a cleanse. A 14 to 28-day detox at this time of year lightens the load on the body by reducing the work it has to do around digestion as well as battling allergens and toxins. This frees up energy that can go towards healing and grounding. In the fall we want to focus on warmer foods and complex carbohydrates – think root vegetables, whole grains and spices like turmeric, cinnamon and cayenne.


Set Intentions for the Season Ahead

The changing of the seasons is a wonderful time to turn inward and spend some time in meditation or just quietly on your own, thinking about some intentions that you’d like to set for the fall.

It’s nice to think about a separate intention for each area of your life: health, relationships, professional life, etc. Ask yourself what you’d specifically like to see manifest in each of those areas over the coming months and write them down in a journal or a white board or just a piece of loose paper that you keep near you. Don’t judge yourself or limit what you can imagine for yourself here – the sky’s the limit. You may not reach that goal exactly, but by setting in clearly and concretely in your mind, your actions will naturally start to lean in that direction.


DSC_4815Recommit to Self-Care Rituals

For many, the summer is typically filled with sunshine, physical activity and hopefully lots of laughter and connecting with friends and family. We often spend a lot of time in the summer focused on the external world – travelling, socializing, hosting, etc. While all of that fun and sun is joyful and exciting and super important, it can also be draining for the body. It’s important to use the fall as a time to ground that high, externally-focused energy by recommitting to a few self-care rituals to help us turn inward and start to refill our cup.

Think about some activities that simply make you happy. This isn’t the time for “shoulds” (“I should be doing yoga” or “I should be meditating”). This is a time to think entirely and completely about the things that bring YOU a sense of calm, peace and joy. For some people that is yoga or meditation, but for others it’s knitting or playing the guitar or walking their dog or taking a bubble bath with a great book. Self-care is all about YOU and there is not right or wrong answer to what your self-care routines and rituals should be. The only rule is that they must be something that leave you feeling rested, recharged and nourished deep inside.


My 28-day Fueling Greatness Detox & Transformation program kicks off on September 14 and includes all three of these important components. The meal plan is made up of delicious, gluten-free, plant-based, whole, nutrient-dense foods that will properly nourish every cell in your body. We work on mindset and analyzing our relationship with food and intention-setting plays an important role there. And we spend a whole week on self-care and how to set up (and stick to) a set of self-care rituals that work for you.

Even though the program is run entirely online, because it’s live (meaning we all progress through the 28-days together at the same pace) we have a supportive and engaged online community through our private Facebook group that provides an amazing amount of support, encouragement and accountability along the way. Plus you have a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (that’s me) to guide you through the program and answer ALL your questions.

Registration is open now but space is limited so, if you think you might be interested, visit the webpage to learn more and grab your spot.