As someone studying nutrition and slowly building a business in the wellness sector, I’m usually surrounded (either phyically or virtually) by people who are really into health.

They read about health, they write about health, they give workshops and presentations about health.

They take this shit very seriously.

Sometimes when I get bored I entertain myself by trying to get them riled up a bit and then just watching the fireworks.

If you think this game sounds fun too and you want to play, here are a few statements that I’ve found you can say/tweet/post on Facebook and then just step back and enjoy the ride.  Some are going to work better than others, depending on the crowd, but they’re all fun:

1. “My doctor said that it probably has nothing to do with my diet.”

2. “There was just that big study that said that organic isn’t any healthier than non-organic.”

3. “Amalgam fillings are totally safe – my dentist said so.”

4. “I don’t eat avocados or nuts – too fattening.”

5. “Vaccines are totally safe and very important, especially for our children.”

6. “I only buy margarine – better for your heart.”

7. “My kids won’t eat anything other than Froot Loops for breakfast.  They’re kids; they burn off all the sugar.”

8. “Meat is bad for you.”

9. “Meat is good for you.”

10. “I saw on Dr. Oz that… [it doesn’t matter what you put here]”

Fun, right?

Now, if you’re even mildly interested in your own health (and I’m guessing you are or you wouldn’t be reading my blog) then – if you’re being honest – at least one of these makes you want to claw the speaker’s eyes out just a little bit.

In the Comments below tell me which irks you the most, and also the other ones I’ve missed.