It’s day four of my sugar detox journey.

Feeling pretty great today…afraid I can’t say the same for days two and three.

Day two started out okay until the headache set in around noon.  Basically made dinner for the kids after work and then went to bed and didn’t come back out.  I had a great sleep though (about 9 hours).  Sleep is super important when you’re doing any kind of detoxing or cleansing as it’s a lot of extra work for your body and you need to support that good work by giving it the sleep it needs to recover.

Day three felt a lot better.

I started the day with a gorgeous green juice of kale, celery, cucumber, green apple and a squeeze of lemon juice:

Got outside for a walk in the sunshine, which felt glorious.

And tested out a new grain-free pizza crust recipe for me and the kids for dinner from Danielle Walker’s cookbook, Against All Grain, which I am just loving right now.  Every recipe in the book is grain-free, dairy-free and refined suar-free.

Grain-free Pizza

I topped the pizza with homemade (sugar-free) pizza sauce, Daiya non-dairy cheese, black olives, caramelized onions, red peppers, grass-fed sausage and fresh basil.

It was a hit (although I think I made the crust too thick – next time I’d roll it thinner)!

So, today is day four and so far I feel great.  One of the things that’s surprised me the most so far is that my actual cravings for sugar (like, where I would consider selling a kidney on the black market for an apple fritter) haven’t happened that often.  Mostly just right after a meal, but that’s about it.  That may change the longer my body goes without the stuff, but we’ll see.

The biggest difference I’ve noticed is that (aside from bouts of irritability from the sugar withdrawl – sorry honey) I feel very calm and centered.

I feel nicer.

Still taking it hour by hour.

I’ll let you know how the weekend went on Monday.

Read the next post in my Sugar Detox – Day Seven.