On the call I hosted last night about living a “high vibration” life, I talked about the importance of gratitude.

I believe that gratitude is one of the most powerful tools we have when we’re working to raise our vibration in the world.

It’s virtually impossible to keep your energy low when you really put your focus on the things in your life that you’re truly grateful for.

Gratitude is like helium for your soul – it causes a natural lift.

Some people struggle with feeling grateful. They are so keenly and constantly aware of all the things in their life that they wish were different that they are unable to turn their attention to anything else.

They want less of what they have more of…

…and more of what they have less of.

And according to Buddhist philosophy, this is the root of all suffering – the desire for things to be other than they are.

This is not to say that we don’t work to change things, to improve things, to right wrongs in the world.

But rather that while doing that we can also be comfortable and accepting of how things are in this moment, not long for them to be different…

And even be grateful for them.

If you’re not able to feel gratitude for the things you have in your life today, then nothing– no material thing, no experience, no insight or information will ever teach you to feel that.

Gratitude is a choice.

It does not come from having something better or being somewhere better. It comes from choosing to appreciate exactly what you have and where you are right now. No matter where that is.

Gratitude is a practice, just like anything else.

You begin by finding one thing that you are grateful for right now. Just one thing.

Hold onto it in your mind, notice how being grateful for that one thing makes you feel.

Then, while holding that feeling in your mind, reach for a second thing that also makes you feel that way.

And then another…

…and then another…

Until you have a list of things.

Make this a daily practice. Set aside just a few minutes at a specific time every day and write down all the things that you’re grateful for in that moment – big or small, monumental or silly – without judgement write down everything that comes to mind.

I promise you that this exercise alone can change the entire frequency of your life.