I’m calling this post #Makemylifeeasier Tip No. 1 because I’m hoping this will grow into a series of tips that you can use to make it easier for you to make healthy choices during, what I know is already, a crazy busy day.

Because let’s be honest – we all know there are people out there who have the time to make their own soap and wash all the peanut butter out of the jar before putting it in the recycling bin, but they’re very unhappy and nobody likes them very much.

The rest of us need to look for quick and easy ways to boost our health wherever we can find them.

Today I want to share with you a super simple trick I use to avoid waste and ensure that I always have ingredients on hand for a great breakfast smoothie.

Because at some point (pretty much weekly if you’re me) this happens:

Bananas rips

And there is only so much banana bread that one girl can make – and force her children to eat.

So, when this happens to you, don’t panic!  Here’s what you do:

Cut the bananas in half.

Bananas unpeeled

Peel them.  This step is very important.  I’ve tried it before without peeling them first and all you get when you go to use them is a gooey banana mess.

Bananas cut

Pop them in a Ziploc bag.

Bananas in bag

And stick them in the freezer.  Put them in an easy-to-access spot like the freezer door, otherwise in six or seven years when you clean out your freezer you’ll just end up digging out a bunch of bags of frozen bananas that you never used.

Bananas in freezer

Then, when you want to make a smoothie, just grab the bag and pull out half a frozen banana and you have the perfect, healthy, cold and refreshing addition to your breakfast drink.

They’re also great for baking such as in the event of a banana bread emergency that crops up.

Hope that helps!

I’d love to hear from you about your own #Makemylifeeasier Tips!