Day 10! Wow! Closing in on two weeks without sugar.

I’ve been feeling really good for the most part.

Yesterday morning was tough because I didn’t sleep well the night before so, coming in to work, I was super tired which just made me want to curl up in the fetal position with a double/double coffee and a toasted bagel with butter.

(nothing like waking your pancreas up in the morning with a good one-two punch upside the head of sugar and caffeine).

But I didn’t sucumb to temptation.  I walked right past the line at Tim Horton’s and got to my desk and made myself a big mug of green tea. Yay me!

When I got home from work last night, I threw together a quick dinner of “Bits and Pieces” for the kids:

Bits and Pieces sm

(I’m going to do a whole post on Bits and Pieces at some point because it’s such a life saver) and leftover chili for myself and then Grace and I jumped in the car and booted it over to the arena for hockey tryouts.

I dropped her off and decided to go wander around the mall.

Turns out the mall is super quiet at 8:00pm so it was actually kind of relaxing. I tried on some dresses (who can say no to a maxi dress on sale for $10?), got myself a nice cup of herbal tea from David’s Tea and no sooner had I taken my first sip when I turned my head and saw this:

My arch nemesis.

Just over a week into my sugar detox.  Was I strong enough to walk past the source of all (okay, most) of the pain and anguish in my life up to this point?


I walked right on by.  I even might have stuck my tongue out a little bit. And it was acutally really easy.

What, in the past would have involved a Supreme Court-level debate between the voices in my head – something like,

“No. I can’t. It’s so bad for me.”

“Well, you have had a pretty crazy week.  You deserve a treat.”

“But I’ll feel awful as soon as I’ve eaten it.  And it’s so bad for me.”

“True, but you could have it and then just vow to not have it again for, like, three months.”

“I can’t.”

“You could”

“Ok, I will…but then never again…or for three months.”

This time I saw it.  Stopped.  Thought of you guys and whipped out my camera because I knew I wanted to blog about it here.  And then kept walking on by.  No internal dialogue.  No debate.

It was actually incredibly refreshing.  A sense of freedom.

So what have I been eating lately?  Usually something like this:



  • Big green salad with raw pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and either hard boiled eggs or chicken. Dressing is apple cider vinegar and olive oil.

Afternoon Snacks:


Evening Snack:

  • Green apple sprinkled with cinnamon with almond butter for dipping and herbal tea

I’m also taking a Chromium supplement every day with lunch.  Chromium is a mineral that helps the body stabilize blood sugar and has also been found to cut cravings for sugar and other simple carbohydrates.  It’s difficult to get enough chromium from food so I’m taking this supplement from Natural Factors:

Chromium sm

So there you have it.  Day 10 and I’m feeling really good.  Cravings are diminishing, energy levels are stabilizing and I’m less moody and happier in general.

If you’re just joining us, check out day one, day four and day seven to see how things have progressed.

Are you kicking sugar with me?  Leave a note in the comments section to let me knonw what you’re doing to get yourself through and how you’re feeling.